The game, a quiet struggle characterized by subtle maneuvering, ended when Kasparov offered a draw and Karpov accepted after a few moments' thought.
Success in getting what they want depends not on simple aggression but on subtle social maneuvering.
He could imagine Clough's subtle maneuvering of Mr Wells into a corner he could only get out of with a tunnelling crew.
Journalist Stuart Weisman observed "Lindsay's congressional career had taught him little of the need for subtle bureaucratic maneuvering, for understanding an opponent's self-interest, or for the great patience required in a sprawling government."
Governors dominate the early list of possible Republican Presidential candidates, and their subtle maneuvering provides a case study in how politicians stake out positions on the national stage by speaking out on issues.
She was most reasonable, for a military type, and capable of clever, subtle maneuvering.
She sensed the same subtle, behind-the-scenes maneuvering, the same political machinations, and the same family tensions hovering just beneath the surface.
The battles may be just as intense, but most are more low keyed, with brains and subtle maneuvering being more important than who has the biggest fleets and most powerful weapons.
U.S. Courting Arabs Washington has proposed new arms sales to Arab countries and begun some subtle diplomatic maneuvering in the Middle East.
Johnson and Giambi have both responded to Torre's subtle maneuvering.