In addition there is a level of inner sense, which is the world of more subtle perceptions.
Ansel Adams called them "emotionally clean records of a rare and subtle perception" and "perhaps the earliest expression of true photographic art."
This potential for subtle perception was even demonstrated by Backster's plants.
In fact, the precision of the details gives the right reader a kind of joy: the shared experience of subtle perception.
Also, she remarked to herself, he had the subtle perception to understand that she did not want to say anything about her husband.
Being alert, watchful for and open to subtle perceptions, positive energy, positive opportunity and positive impacts.
She is particularly adept at capturing the subtle perceptions of her characters.
Part of the problem is the subtle perception, fed by Republican strategists, that Democrats lack the credentials to conduct foreign policy and oversee defense matters.
More subtle aesthetic perceptions may have led to demands for greater decorum.
Kennedy also writes beautifully, frequently stretching into real innovation as she captures emotional depths and subtle, evanescent perceptions.