Terms like vichara (subtle reflection), viveka (discrimination) and others which are similar to Patanjali's terminology are mentioned, but not described.
He sent an exquisite letter that posterity has much admired, full of subtle, melancholy reflection on the transiency of all things.
It is a letter that posterity has much admired, full of subtle, melancholy reflection on the transiency of all things.
An additional benefit of expanding Eccleshall's book would be that he could extend his interpretative essays, which contain important and subtle reflections on the nature of Conservatism.
The Huxtables were familiar to everyone who watched, but especially recognizable to African-Americans, who connected to the show's subtle yet thorough reflection of upper-middle-class black life.
The three distinct notes sounded again and he caught their subtle reflections from the stems of the Paradise plants that reared all around him.
It was either subtle reflections on the human heart, or ingenious turns of phrase, but most often reflections.
Finally, in the name of that freedom, as the Valentinians must have noted with irony, the orthodox suppressed gnostic teaching, and rejected their subtle reflections on the scope and limits of human choice.
This subtle reflection upon the myth "genuinely was propaganda as art, an extraordinary feat which Triumph of the Will doesn't come near, thankfully".
The "Decline and Fall" provides an anchor for Pocock's complex and subtle reflections about the intellectual transformation of 18th-century Europe.