These discoveries permit the author to explore a range of subtle psychological themes.
The car park symbolises one of the films more subtle themes, which is the destruction of an old cityscape and its rebuilding in line with modern brutalism.
In over five decades of selfless service, Swamiji's exceptional contribution has been the translation of subtle philosophical themes into practical techniques of living.
The colleges, which have more than 600,000 students, express their Catholic identity in a variety of ways; for most, however, it is a subtle but distinctive theme.
A subtle theme of the conflict between Anglo and Hispanic cultures plays through all these movies.
While the song uses fairly subtle Christian themes, as do many of the band's songs, they tried to make it not sound too preachy.
As Martz has steadily maintained that Warner will play Sunday, he has also fostered another more subtle theme.
The contemporary decor features an open kitchen and a subtle Asian theme, which is echoed in the menu.
For the writer, the narrowing of options can intensify focus on the more subtle conversational themes.
A more subtle recurring theme in the comics is the passing seasons, reflected in the changing trees and scenes outside Jimmy's window.