These conditions can subtly affect the shape of the boomerang and ruin its flight characteristics, and the boomerang will then need to be re-tuned.
They determine that this might be done by a copy occupying the same space as the original and subtly affecting the original's mind during sleep.
"Touched by an Angel," in short, is subtly affecting the tone of prime-time television.
They also subtly affect the evolution of suns.
On occasion, the mental and physical adjustment, and/or the re-adjustment to the subsequent batter, could subtly affect or interrupt a pitcher's focus, mechanics, and/or rhythm.
This process subtly but decisively affects the surface, making it seem lighter, more youthful and more anonymous.
Whatever technique the winemaker uses, each has the potential to subtly or drastically affect the resulting flavor and quality of the wine.
Likewise, whether you tweet, or comment, or blog, subtly affects how your communication is received and processed, but it's ultimately trivial compared with the ability to write well.
Completing some stages will subtly affect the landscape of others.
These are subtly affecting moments, and while I did inevitably shoot these soldiers (because, given opportunity, they would shoot me sooner or later), I always hesitated a bit.