The puppets were subtly lit by the fluorescent light overhead and from below the stage.
Appropriately called the Spice Galleon, it was fresh, clean, subtly lit, and neatly decorated with stylish ornaments and prints.
The briefing room felt like the interior of a metal egg, subtly lit in the curved comers.
It is an elegant movie, subtly lit and shot (by Gordon Willis), extremely fluid and self-effacing in directorial technique.
Her face is subtly lit by makeup.
It was subtly lit by recessed bulbs in its rock ceiling.
It contrasted lustrous colour with dark, twisted trees, all subtly lit with patches of sunlight that suggested election.
Thomas Lynch's seaside home is airy and furnished in the best of taste, with the ocean view subtly lit by Pat Collins.
Beyond the grilled enclosure could be seen an open-air corridor, subtly lit with an extended covering supported by a series of thin Ionic pillars.
A central staircase with subtly lit frosted glass-block flooring is a dramatic sculptural counterpoint to the darkness.