Now Ikea is examining several suburban sites outside New York City.
Other studies show that many companies are moving individual divisions to suburban sites, while retaining a trimmed-down headquarters presence within a major city.
In 1977, Commerce began offering graduate classes at the university's suburban sites.
Working with a partner, he is pursuing a suburban site for a shopping center.
It would only consider new construction, and it would look at suburban sites.
In June, company officials had said that they were considering moving most of the New York employees to a new suburban site.
Another may be that prime suburban sites are harder to find.
By the mid-1960s, most of the prosperous retail businesses in downtown Binghamton had moved to suburban sites.
Farmers' markets are urban or suburban sites where growers bring fresh food and sell directly to consumers.
"These are ingredients you won't find at most suburban sites," said Michael Spear, Rouse's president.