He was 35 and had survived, by his own account, a privileged suburban upbringing by two self-centered parents, as well as excursions into the acting profession, the priesthood and poetry writing.
Any rapper, but especially a white rapper, needs a "street" credibility that Vanilla Ice's suburban upbringing doesn't automatically confer.
As a young woman Jann Freeman led a glamorous life a world away from the safe suburban upbringing she had enjoyed in Brisbane.
The article contrasted her affluent suburban upbringing and her squalid drug-ridden life in New York City, which her family knew nothing about.
Mrs. Carroll said they moved from a small apartment in Brooklyn to give their son Joseph, now 5, a more suburban upbringing.
But my experiences in Yale-New Haven Hospital were a long way from my sheltered suburban upbringing.
But while I spoke bravely about freedom and choice, my suburban upbringing rejected a hand-to-mouth existence on the road.
While much remains unclear about the men's activities, particularly in the last year, the accounts provided by neighbors and friends focus mostly on their suburban upbringing and social lives.
Ron and Russel's comfortable suburban upbringing offered them few opportunities to test their tolerance for fear.
It wasn't the kind of suburban upbringing where the people around us were doctors and lawyers.