Urged by a friend to investigate, Judith, a suburban wife and mom, really gets into playing detective.
She is, in fact, a suburban wife's nightmare.
Soft suburban wives and daughters could be amusing.
Each suburban wife struggled with it alone.
Marilyn Rockafellow, as a suburban wife, is financially comfortable but discontented.
Or he may have moved some members of blocs he will need in a tight election - suburban Republican wives, for example - toward his opponent.
To prepare for the role she followed the Method actors and sought out suburban wives on Long Island.
The second, eight years later, was for Arth (The Meaning) in which she played a suburban wife whose husband has an affair.
Her new role as a 1950s suburban wife and homemaker quickly makes her unhappy.
Marjorie has happily settled into a role as a religious suburban wife and mother.