The most important quality to achieving an "interesting life" is deemed to be a subversive attitude towards the status quo.
But literary criticism recently has been revealing a much more subversive attitude toward men and marriage in Austen's work than previously had been noticed.
He has done this not just through his subversive attitude but also his verbal energy.
The Aymara population collaborated closely with these regimes, in large part by stifling subversive attitudes.
The film, like the play, was noted for its subversive attitude to authority.
Throughout Sega's history, the blue hedgehog has always harbored a glint in his eye, an edgy demeanor and a subversive attitude.
A survey of the busy career, subversive attitudes and contradictory ambitions of the graphic designer.
These new efforts are initiated on a computer, whose digitalized graphics make Mr. Oehlen's subversive, antagonistic attitude toward painting sharper, more up front.
In the late 1970's, Cheap Trick played pop with a hard-rock punch and a subversive attitude; it also played loud enough to loosen fillings.
Their subversive attitude was exhibited in their attempt to undermine the pop comeback.