A9 Economic discontent in China is serving as a subtle, subversive political force.
Should a prisoner surrender under the torment, any person identified by him as a "subversive force" would be sentenced to death or imprisonment.
Furthermore, your connection with subversive democratic forces on Terminus will be - and has been - investigated.
In this respect, Taiwan's growing democratization is an important subversive force on mainland China.
But a Senate Democratic aide views him as a subversive force against diplomacy.
But some of the city's official exteriors, namely those of its art museums, harbor subversive forces.
These subversive forces are nothing more than a collective criminal enterprise.
The working class was no longer a potentially subversive force capable of bringing about revolutionary change.
Their motivation is to cripple the British economy and enable subversive forces to insinuate themselves in the government.
There is a subtle, subversive political force at work in China - economic discontent.