An edge of lazily subversive wit lay beneath her plain-spokenness in conversation and in her dancing.
These exercises in conceptual music are enlivened by joyous invention and subversive wit.
A result was that Berliners were often in rebellion, doing the opposite of what was expected of them and thus burnishing their reputation for subversive wit and cutting-edge creativity.
Abstract Expressionism was in the ascendant, and that movement's agonistic spirit was far from Duchamp's dry but subversive wit.
But they share a real liveliness, breezy pace, stylistic snap and charmingly subversive wit.
Boomers who remember Bullwinkle's cartoon adventures for their sly, sometimes subversive wit will be disappointed.
Sitting ramrod straight like the Navy officer he once was, his quick and often subversive wit sometimes at odds with his carefully chosen words, he insisted he didn't really miss Washington.
In the end he presents them with a wry generosity and haunting poignancy to rival his wonderfully subversive wit.
Anyone suspecting a strain of subversive wit in the statue would be incorrect.
But there is subversive wit to both the music and the dance.