"If I should succeed in forcing them into the forest, we will lose them altogether."
Like perhaps no one else before him, he succeeded in forcing white audiences to follow him into his own experience.
They pursue Rodan over the city, and eventually succeed in forcing him into the river.
Local residents succeeded in forcing the city to significantly limit its hours of operation.
He succeeded in forcing the government to commission a new generation of textbooks and to make public the changes it forced on publishers.
They succeeded in stopping the kidnappers and forcing them to return to Salalah.
Meanwhile, to my horror, the Rat was succeeding in forcing its body through the aperture, which had at first seemed much too small.
Two officers were captured and one killed before Edwards succeeded in forcing the attackers to withdraw.
He succeeded in forcing several thousand nobles into service by threatening them with loss of status and land.
They will not succeed in forcing him to abandon his efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction.