Initially they succeeded in restoring order and helping to end the widespread starvation brought on by civil war.
While fat camps often succeed in helping campers lose weight quickly, they are known for having little long-term success.
Does it succeed in helping us to find Meiji?
Restoration work in the late 1990s succeeded in helping salmon return.
If she could succeed in helping Quentin, there might be hope for Harper as well.
How well any of these initiatives succeed in helping to create a more secure city is an open question.
Fiona succeeds in helping her mother avoid the murder charges.
He succeeded in helping to end the city's contempt of the courts, but was voted out of office as a result.
She realises that the radios can be used to communicate and is able to succeed in helping to bring Paul home.
He succeeded in helping them escape, but was subsequently caught by the Silencerz.