Kinheim succeeded mainly because of their strong attack during this match.
Several helicopters are sent to wipe out the Grays; they mainly succeed, but many of the soldiers are exposed to the byrus in the attack.
Never a true superstar, he managed to succeed mainly because he continued to perform and his voice miraculously seemed to improve with age.
She tried to extricate her arm, but succeeded mainly in tearing open his pajama shirt.
Propaganda by itself succeeds mainly with the frus- trated.
Through it all, Kelly was there, encouraging her, trying hard not to be overpowering and mainly succeeding.
It was created in 1950, mainly succeeding Newtown and Annandale.
The formation broke apart as the batmen tried to use their weapons against the attackers underfoot, and succeeded mainly in stabbing each other.
The effort mainly succeeded in making a villain of the International Monetary Fund.
This succeeded mainly in making the ashes pretty.