Not necessarily, he could have found a successful blogger and be a contributor to his blog.
Whatever your reason to blog is, follow these proven techniques from the experts to become a successful blogger.
While it may be unfair to ascribe this trend to any particular cause it is often the case that the pressures of maintaining a popular individual blog for an extended period of time can become too great, leading the successful blogger to naturally tend towards a lower pressure collaborative effort.
The best way for a blogger to distinguish his or her voice from others is to impress successful bloggers, who then include links on their sites.
Armstrong and Moulitsas are self-conscious outsiders, successful liberal bloggers determined to overthrow the "Beltway mafia" that runs the Democratic Party in Washington.
Asian Correspondent is an American news website that was launched in October 2009 by Hybrid News Limited with the stated purpose of creating a hybrid news model that combined professional journalists, successful bloggers and wire news in one website.
I'm not even close to being a successful blogger, nor am expecting a book deal (loved the article you linked to), but if I had known years ago what a time suck this little blogging hobby would have been, I probably never would have started.
"If you have a very successful blogger who attracts a lot of attention based on the commentary he or she is undertaking, and maybe that activity is coordinated with a candidate, what is the value of that?"