Women in the geisha society are some of the most successful businesswomen in Japan.
A Fortune magazine article last year profiled seven successful businesswomen, noting that they all knew how to "skillfully exploit" their sexuality.
They then think of what they believe is a highly impressive story; saying that they are very successful businesswomen who invented Post-it notes.
Al-Harazi has written in the Financial Post about how her experiences and how her identity have shaped her into a successful businesswomen.
In the current issue, there is an article about successful businesswomen, with advice about building a career and handling sexual problems in the office.
She became one of the earliest successful American businesswomen.
Contrary to what one might expect, many of the successful businesswomen did not have long-term goals.
Today's most successful businesswomen know this, too.
Some of the City's most successful businesswomen went to all-girls' schools.
She is considered by many to be one of the most successful businesswomen in Britain.