Of late some of the more successful car commercials in India have been produced and directed by him.
Designed by Mike Morrisey, it soon became the most successful car on the circuit.
Batteries needed for a successful electric car are not in mass production, the staff said, but three technologies seem likely to bear fruit by then.
The 935 became the most successful car in the series.
Rewards weight is added to successful cars based on finishing position at the previous round.
Overall, the Renault 12 was a successful car, selling 2.5 million units.
It was not a successful car, and the team suffered various problems concerning reliability at the beginning of the season.
His very successful car dealership sold the Overland brand of automobiles.
The most successful car- and van-pool program in the country.
The RX-7, which went on sale in 1978, was probably the most successful rotary-engine-powered car.