Most successful American comics have been traditionally either sold to their publishers before publication, or produced as work for hire.
Adam Sandler, currently one the most successful comics, still uses the New York showcases.
However this coupled with the low bar for aesthetics set by early and successful comics, many fans of this medium created their own spin offs.
Like the show's star, the fictional Bernie Mac is a successful stand-up comic.
One of the most successful comics of all time is The Avengers series.
Tundro Walker, if there is only so much you can do with a running series about a zombie apocalypse then why are the comics so successful?
Jerry Seinfeld (the character) on "Seinfeld" is at least a moderately successful stand-up comic.
Like many successful comics, it struck a chord.
The successful comics are often made into animated cartoons.
The company eventually expanded to eight stores, and grew to become one of most successful comics specialty shops in the United States.