After two decades of successful conquest and consolidation, Rome now entered an era of internal struggle and political reform.
Britain felt just as strongly that Italy should also be invaded after a successful conquest of Sicily.
After the successful conquest of Dacia, Quietus was elevated to the position of senator.
Despite four thousand years of successful conquest, the monolithic Vedran Empire could not last.
Even with precise analysis of every obstacle and its successful conquest, there were still too many variables that had to be left to chance.
What is unique about this particular series is that the story starts after a successful conquest of the world," he stated.
Still today the ruins of the fortress Incawasi eight kilometers from the successful conquest.
But disappointed with his not quite successful conquest and deeply unsatisfied Sélim says he is ready and determined.
The ghem-lords wanted the territory and the wealth, the personal aggrandizement that would have followed successful conquest.
If he could not carry out a successful conquest on his own, how was she supposed to help him?