The situation remained confused, however, as Armenia claimed successful counterattacks in late July.
Although the promised reinforcements never arrived, he personally lead two regiments in a successful counterattack on Japanese positions.
He directed a defense of his position and led a successful counterattack.
He dashed to the most critical spot on the field to lead a successful counterattack, where he was wounded again.
The following day, he organised and executed a successful counterattack on trenches that had been lost to the Germans.
The barrage allowed time for Napoleon to organize a successful counterattack.
They killed 300, but were driven back by a successful counterattack.
By then, however, scientists here hope to have begun a successful counterattack, using bugs to kill the bugs.
These six joined forces with the Tarseuh in a successful counterattack by Galactic culture.
The successful counterattack temporarily retook control of the town from the German forces.