They did this first and foremost, however, by focusing on the quality of person essential for the successful functioning of such a voluntary association.
To offer suggestions for the smooth and successful functioning of the college.
A number of bus transit services connect to BART, which, while managed by separate agencies, are integral to the successful functioning of the system.
What is required for the successful functioning of a nation, he insists, is "a link by blood."
Effective communication in any entrepreneurship is important for decision making and successful functioning.
There was even a number that corresponded to the minimum amount of positive to negative feedback necessary to encourage successful functioning.
Free movement of workers is one of the four conditions essential for the existence and successful functioning of the EU Single Market.
More generally, a firm commitment to sound policies by all euro area Member States remains the cornerstone of the successful functioning of the EMU.
This transparency and responsibility is necessary for the successful functioning of the European Parliament and to encourage good governance in the European Union.
There are people for whom service in or around the home pretty well exhausts their capabilities for contributing to the successful functioning of a society.