The successful implantation of memories in people's minds has implications for therapy and legal settings.
With the successful implantation of the virus, President Whitmore leads the American jet fighters against an alien destroyer on approach to Area 51.
August 31 - Researchers announce the successful implantation of an early prototype bionic eye with 24 electrodes.
Dr. Albert Starr, along with Dr. Dwight Harken, performed the first successful implantation of an artificial mitral valve.
"With a low dose of progesterone, we can prepare the lining of the uterus for the successful implantation of an egg."
After a successful implantation, the progressive nature of the disease may lead to fibro-fatty replacement of the myocardium at the site of lead placement.
Carried out the first successful implantation of an artificial heart.
They relied on a "domino theory" in which the successful implantation of democracy in Iraq would lead to a "democratic revolution" across the region.
But Varian was planet-bred and so she might sympathize with any successful implantation whereas he, ship-bred, had a more universal view.
Identification and characterization of gene expression patterns during rapid trophoblastic elongation in the pig will provide a better understanding of the events required for successful implantation and embryonic survival.