Correspondingly, there is a highly polygynous mating system, with a successful male able to impregnate up to 50 females in one season.
Its members are virtually all successful, ambitious males who travel a lot, meet many people and are subject to many pressures.
The most successful males choose the largest females, as these produce the most eggs and most quickly.
The courtship ritual involves croaking, and a successful male grasps the female under the forelegs.
The most successful males are the ones that display the most vigor in their efforts.
I am a 40-year-old African-American male, successful and considered attractive, whatever that means.
Higher intensity disruptions were used by less successful males and directed towards females that wandered by.
And nothing, it seems, is sexier to a female sailfin than a sexually successful male.
Sexual selection has dictated exaggerated male characteristics, which include larger heads and pre-dorsal areas in more successful males.
The least successful males have no harems, but may try to copulate with a harem male's females when the male is not looking.