A successful motion to adjourn at this point, after such a reminder, is all the hearing he is entitled to.
A successful motion in the House to recognise the Québécois as a nation within a united Canada.
Opposition to the proposed Campaign received 38 votes to the 56 for the successful motion.
In neither case was the motion successful.
In litigation, a dismissal is the result of a successful motion to dismiss.
Before 1979 the last successful motion of no confidence occurred in 1924.
I also think that I could probably set the army in successful motion.
In 1996, she brought forward a successful motion to make North York's bars and restaurants over smoke-free by 1999.
This rise likely contributed to a doubling in successful motions for summary judgment in which 90% were against plaintiffs.
In January 2004, he introduced a successful motion creating a reserve fund to bring new doctors to Peterborough.