Dominant: why is this tiny predator so successful?
The peregrine is most certainly not under threat, and is if anything one of the most successful predators in the world.
Sea-going mammals, the Cetacea and the pinnipeds, are very successful and significant predators.
Fish have been observed to be the most successful predator of the Brook Stickleback.
All bloodsuckers are students of the human emotional system, since the most successful predators know the habits of their prey.
They are highly impressive and successful predators, owing primarily to their size and strength.
Pacific sleeper sharks, which are also known scavengers, can glide through the water with little body movement and little hydrodynamic noise making them successful predators.
A crocodile's physical traits allow it to be a successful predator.
Crocodiles have acute senses, an evolutionary advantage that makes them successful predators.
Unlike melanism, albinism would make a Leopard more conspicuous and a less successful predator.