The young knight exults in the moment: if Luther wanted to he could have led a successful revolt against established authority.
In the decades following the peasant war the city authorities tried to suppress the memory of this nearly successful revolt.
Healing is a kind of revolt, and as I think I've said, all successful revolts begin in secret.
Unless you think you are ready to conduct a successful revolt.
After the successful revolt, Wagner was ordered to aid in closing the camp.
The revolt, if successful, would have been followed in turn by a war between that nation and Bolivia.
A successful revolt led by an offworlder who was once a Mig himself.
It was the last successful revolt in Frisian history and is remembered as such to this day.
This coup was the first successful military revolt in Goguryeo's history.
But when the prince is a man, he leads a successful revolt and proves himself a just ruler.