Argument: There is ample evidence of successful transfer between tasks in the literature.
Unfortunately, the successful transfer of my consciousness to this form was precisely the signal our servants were waiting for.
He only played a handful of games for the club before a successful transfer to Millwall in 1960.
The "transfer successful" signal was in a different place, and was always easy to see.
A moment later, a chime and a second symbol indicated a successful transfer.
It is quite another to design a season in the expectation that a large percentage of offerings will be successful transfers.
Bell reported in immediately and described the successful transfer of the 22 Titan survivors.
The successful transfer of social satire across 150 years and one ocean would have been no easy job.
This, in turn, has a significant impact on the creation of partnerships and a successful transfer of technologies.
However, they are carrying with them the significant potential for expansion that has characterized their several successful transfers from one star system to another.