It is the first successful vaccine ever developed specifically to prevent cancer.
On 6 December 2011, the development of a successful vaccine against Ebola for mice was reported.
Worse, it proved resistant to all existing medical technology, and ten years were to pass before a successful vaccine was found.
The smallpox vaccine was the first successful vaccine to be developed.
But she said that successful vaccines for diseases other than flu were already made by the same process, called cell culture.
A successful vaccine could sharply reduce rates of cervical cancer, which affects 470,000 women a year worldwide and kills 225,000.
A successful vaccine against noroviruses could prevent a lot of suffering.
A successful vaccine could sharply reduce the rates of the cancer, which is a major cause of sickness and death among women worldwide.
Experts said the odds were long for Remune's becoming a successful therapeutic vaccine.
Scientists usually follow guidelines set by the Government in taking the steps in research that lead to the marketing of a successful vaccine.