A major advantage to cofactor engineering is that scientists can use it to successfully alter metabolic pathways that are difficult to engineer by means of ordinary metabolic engineering.
Hamilton was later able to successfully alter the implant, allowing Jose to take control of his life again.
They say they still don't know how he successfully altered the records.
Making him savagely murder his own family, successfully altering his fate so that he may return to a life of war on his hell-bound quest for vengeance.
Over the course of six months Ortiz successfully altered the mentality of his boss Dana White.
However, during the Dec. 13 2005 testing, Hursti successfully altered the votes on the memory card.
I don't think it's likely to be very easy to successfully alter the political perception of what they do, so the evidence they quote is going to have to be pretty much irrefutable.
"What we need are programs based in reality that can successfully alter sexual conduct," he asserted.
The Conservative minority government that was elected in both 2006 and 2008 had a platform calling for a repeal of portions of the registry, but did not successfully alter legislation on the registry.
Maurice explains that he is redesigning Jeanette's riding outfit, and he proves this by successfully altering it, but in the process he is forced to reveal his true identity.