Schank used a version of frames he called "scripts" to successfully answer questions about short stories in English.
This method will continue for each game play until a contestant successfully answers the five contest questions in the order asked.
If the listener successfully answers the question, he or she wins a holiday for two.
The site,, offers prizes to children who earn points for successfully answering on-line questions about the books they have read.
If a player successfully answers a question and the opponent does not in the round, they win the game.
If the departed successfully answers all 42, s/he becomes an Osiris.
Pants must successfully answer at least one question or he is considered "Ironed."
"In May," Giles managed to successfully answer without being interrupted.
Contestants who successfully answer the second question have the option to play the third.
It is available to the contestant after they successfully answer the $5,000 (fifth) question.