In 1828 he successfully averted a war between the Māori of the Bay of Islands and the Hokianga.
After successfully averting his overthrow, John Paul Jones sailed for Newport once more, arriving 6 June 1957.
Pakistan successfully averted widespread hunger and disease and sheltered tens of thousands who were left homeless just before winter.
Eight crewmen died in the days that followed July 4, after working in the reactor core, however a jury-rigged coolant system successfully averted any catastrophe.
Her agency, which is facing $260 million in cuts, successfully averted some deep cuts planned last January through an appeal to the Mayor.
A 1931 law gave 35% of its capital to the state (it was until then entirely private), although Mercier successfully averted a total takeover by the government.
She successfully averts his questions, much to the enjoyment of the rest of the crowd.
The first timeline begins on Oceanic Flight 815, in which the survivors' attempt to change the future has apparently successfully averted the crash.
The unit prides itself in successfully averting every single case of suicide it was called upon to help prevent since its formation.
In 954 successfully averted an abortive coup d'état by Anūdjūr.