Heading the Drumaville Consortium of wealthy Irish businessmen, in June 2006 Quinn successfully brokered a deal to buy a controlling stake in Sunderland AFC.
The man of the title is Wolfgang Vogel, a smooth lawyer from the former East Germany who successfully brokered many thousands of exchanges of political prisoners between East and West over almost three decades.
In 1995, Finnegan ended a century-long debate when he successfully brokered the New York City Watershed Agreement by leading negotiations among county, state, federal and New York City governments, and the environmental community.
His greatest diplomatic exploit came in 1995, when he successfully brokered the release of 257 United Nations workers held hostage by Bosnian Serb warlords in Pale.
After successfully brokering peace in northern Manhattan, Mr. Walsh and Mr. Hunt are headed for the international arena.
It successfully brokered the August 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom with the Kennedy administration.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spent all day and night successfully brokering an accord on Tuesday on security controls at a Gaza border crossing, suddenly elevating the Bush administration's involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to a new level.
After Nathan successfully brokered a peace treaty with the Visitor armies that Los Angeles and all property of Science Frontiers would be protected in exchange Science Frontiers security personnel would keep order.
Known as a shrewd negotiator who finds common ground, Trimpa successfully brokered a détente between business and labor in 2008, under which both sides agreed to withdraw proposed ballot initiatives that would have had negative effects on Colorado workers and the business community.
I also strongly congratulate Commissioner Vitorino for successfully brokering an agreement in his working group on the technical and semantic problems which have confronted some representatives of Member States.