Advertising agencies have struggled to transition to next generation business, failing to successfully capitalize off of increasing interactive work demands.
Target successfully capitalized on another charitable interest in the late 90's, during which it donated $2.5 million to the campaign to restore the Washington Monument.
Layton's New Democrats successfully capitalized on Ignatieff's attendance record in the Toronto area.
Vice-President Baltar and his political advisor Tom Zarek were able to successfully capitalize on the colonization issue, and public opinion swung in favor of settling the planet, christened New Caprica, and electing Baltar.
Jailhouse Rock successfully capitalized on the rebellious side of Elvis Presley's persona, which was an aspect of his image still making headlines at the time of the film's release.
Mobutu was able to successfully capitalize on Cold War tensions and gain significant support from Western countries like the United States and international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund.
This fact has given rise to various non-exploitative, environmentally sustainable industries such as ecotourism, successfully capitalizing on the biological wealth of the Konashen COCA with comparatively little enduring impact.
The Likud's candidate, Benjamin Netanyahu, successfully capitalized on that fear, and Prime Minister Shimon Peres failed to allay it.
Some were born with a gift for successfully capitalizing on what they were given, be it a little or a lot.