Both voted against a plan to expand the Police Department that Mr. Vallone successfully championed.
Prince Ali successfully championed the lifting of FIFA's ban on the hijab in women's football.
During this time, Geraghty successfully championed the consolidation of the County Sheriff's department with the city's police and corrections functions in the new Public Health Building.
While serving on the City Council, Lane successfully championed a handful of affordable housing projects and led an effort to improve homeless services.
May thine Ka successfully champion all things against any enemy.
Revels successfully championed the cause of black workers who had been barred by their color from working at the Washington Navy Yard.
He was so outraged about a case in 1996 that he successfully championed the ouster of a criminal court judge.
He successfully championed the effort to produce the first official pharmacopoeia, which would specify treatments that apothecaries should provide for specific ailments.
Among the policies he successfully championed as governor were the institution of a merit system for state employees and a minimum wage for teachers.
In 2009, he successfully championed Paul Quarrington's novel King Leary.