Ahearne has successfully copied Hershisher's mannerisms, but his pitches are not as nifty.
Parrish devised many innovative techniques which no other major artist has successfully copied.
The selected mail message(s) have been copied successfully to the specified user using index 6.3.0 - Copy Mail.
This starting model was afterwards successfully copied in other larger Eastern and Southern Asian countries, including communist ones.
Fingerprints, for example, can sometimes be successfully copied with plastic molds, so experts recommend fingerprint scanners with "real finger ID" technology like temperature or infrared sensors.
Miss Gilchrist had successfully copied her mannerisms, well enough to fool those who had known her as adults.
This is to be regretted, for the peculiar humour of The Sorcerer and Patience cannot be successfully copied.
It created a template that was successfully copied around the world in many clubs over subsequent years.
It was successfully copied and restored in time to be shown at the opening of Prater Film Festival the same year.
The Alhambra has furnished inspiration for innumerable synagogues, but seldom have its graceful proportions or its delicate modeling and elaborate ornamentation been successfully copied.