This successfully deceived the Germans about allied intentions to invade Italy in 1943.
Kellerman successfully deceives the train conductor by explaining that Michael is a fugitive, and he needs an empty train to transport him to Chicago.
"They successfully deceived the jury into taking a consumer approach to a case that is really a case about competitors."
He successfully deceives a psychiatrist, who interprets his every reaction as symptomatic of mental illness.
The new disguise is part of the princess' second plan to assume three identities to successfully deceive Parote.
The two divers captured by the British told their interrogators that the attack was launched by submarine, successfully deceiving Allied intelligence.
The feint successfully deceived the enemy and Endicott sank a German merchantman during the bombardment.
Subjects are often offered monetary incentive if they can successfully deceive the process in hopes of generating a 'real world' scenario.
Successfully deceiving Deanna was almost impossible, he knew, and this was an occasion where it seemed to be vital to get the truth out in the open.
If a person is capable of concealing their true feelings and intentions well, then they are more likely to successfully deceive others.