The Slovenian government resisted these moves, and successfully ensured that the majority of Slovenian Territorial Defence equipment was kept out of the hands of the YPA.
Creeping around from hangar to hangar and dodging patrolling sentries they successfully ensured the destruction of several more aircraft, brand-new crated engines and machinery.
In his joint role as Commander-in-Chief, Rainilaiarivony also successfully ensured the defense of Madagascar against several French colonial incursions.
He successfully ensured the development of a distinctively French school of playing, marginally influenced by the invention of the valve horn.
The Helping Homeless Heroes Act reauthorizes and bolsters funding for several programs proven to successfully ensure no veteran goes without basic shelter.
Reopening of the lane was of utmost importance in order to successfully ensure the defence of the bridgehead, which would have otherwise been seriously jeopardised.
However the campaign resulted in a serious build up of the financial debt of the Workers' Party, which threatened to greatly inhibit the party's ability to successfully ensure it would hold on to its gains.
Technological insights would probably be fragmentary and require decades to reverse-engineer-a task for which the Federation was probably better suited, provided Picard could successfully ensure their access to the data.
Looking up in surprise, she found he had one eyebrow raised as though waiting for her to make some sarcastic comment, which successfully ensured that she didn't do any such thing.
If EPA mandates electronic reporting from permittees, what are barriers for states to successfully ensure electronic reporting occurs?