A longer lasting model was developed and successfully implanted in 1969.
Trust fund will be set up for each child successfully implanted and brought to term.
One was implanted successfully, but the pregnancy miscarried after eight weeks.
The scientists have successfully implanted stem cells into a gum of a mouse and managed to grow a new tooth.
He'd successfully implanted two of the mares from the stock of frozen embryos.
I had already successfully implanted the cloned embryo in the surrogate mother, and she was several months into an otherwise normal pregnancy.
Domingo Liotta designed and developed the first artificial heart successfully implanted in a human being in 1969.
A1 A fully portable heart device, which helps a failing heart pump blood, was successfully implanted in a patient.
Engineered anal sphincters grown from stem cells have been successfully implanted in mice.
But not all fertilized eggs successfully implant.