If Garner's team successfully imposes law and order in Iraq, economic life will swiftly pick up and much aid will be superfluous.
The company's ballerina, Iliana Lopez, can successfully impose her own forceful style upon her dancing because she is so well schooled.
It must be understood as a military victory in terms of successfully imposing a new administrative system, language, and religion upon the indigenous groups.
By the 1820s, Talma was established as "the dominant personality at the Comédie-Française, where he alone could still successfully impose classical tragedy upon the public".
Recently some countries, eg Libya, did successfully impose control on their section of the internet but they only prove the rule - they did it by destroying it.
As commissioner, Minton successfully imposed regulations that reduced state telephone bills by a combined total of $525,000.
I suppose a guitar is only as good as the number of styles you can successfully impose upon it, and this one went through the card without a problem.
Corruption within the government and police lead to officials not being successfully impose such policies, such as the smoking ban in cinema.
Networking with stream-owners he meets through his Yale and fishing connections, he successfully imposes his American sensibility on England's landscape and people.
The first minds to successfully impose their waveforms might-" "Might amplify unimaginably, becoming God!