His guerrilla forces soon grew to around 2,800 strong, and in May 1942, Vinzons would lead these forces to successfully liberate the provincial capital of Daet.
The "death trap" was no match for the SEALs and they successfully liberated the final Marine with the help of the U.S. Air Force Jet Fighter sending missiles at designated pillboxes 1, 2 and 3.
The Iranians were able to successfully liberate Bostan.
With help from both the Soviets and the Western Allies, they turned into a formidable fighting force and successfully liberated the country.
Liniers successfully liberated Buenos Aires, and organized the resistance against a likely British counter-attack.
Ulanhu also successfully liberated Inner Mongolia and was elected the Acting Governor and Chairman of the Autonomous Government of Inner Mongolia.
Now, having successfully liberated the Trophy, it would be really dumb to get arrested for stealing a cart, wouldn't it?
The mission, named ("Operation Duck") successfully liberated 1,400 allied civilian prisoners.
After Mr. Klinghoffer's death, he said, he worked with the Egyptian government "to successfully liberate the ship and bring everybody to safety."
Ender then successfully liberates Alessandra from her dominating mother.