At 17 March 2008 is the first of the 15 PSD bank s (PSD bank eG North) successfully migrated to agree and also uses the eBanking the Fiducia IT AG.
The stem cells successfully migrated into diseased rats' retinas, and took on the characteristics of the surrounding neurons.
This decimation of the shark population has made it possible for seals to migrate successfully.
While all Access data can migrate to SQL Server, some queries cannot migrate successfully.
In January 1995, 500 users were running on Exchange Beta 1, 5,000+ users running on Exchange Beta 2a in September 1995, and finally all 32,000 Microsoft mailboxes successfully migrated to Exchange and Microsoft Exchange shipped in April 1996.
On 18 February 2008 the second migration group (Belgium, Finland, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) successfully migrated to TARGET2.
When potential immigrants believe the probability and benefits of successfully migrating to the destination country are greater than the costs, illegal immigration becomes an option.
Bank successfully migrated to new Tech-platform (CBS) in record time adopting a unique outsourcing model; which has had international acclaim.
Only a few Chinese businesses successfully migrated to the French Quarter Chinatown, which was abandoned in subsequent years.
These are important issues and, Commissioner, we say that the moment has come to be firm and set an end date so that we can successfully migrate to SEPA and make this project - which is very important for the single market - truly take off.