He successfully pioneered the technique by recording instrumentalists from the former Soviet republics at the Melodia Recording Studios, Moscow in 1991.
Along with surgeon Patrick Steptoe, Edwards successfully pioneered conception through IVF, which led to the birth of the first test-tube baby, Louise Brown, on 25 July 1978.
Although they struggled at first, eventually they successfully pioneered the organic farming of citrus and sub-tropical fruits in the area.
Later he moved on to create his own tv show Ittyadi, which successfully pioneered televised comedy program in Bangladesh.
It also successfully pioneered some marketing ideas that other G.M. divisions have borrowed.
Along with DKWs 1930s models, the Traction successfully pioneered front-wheel drive on the European mass car market.
Beach successfully pioneered the concept of "water as art", selling water sculptures to celebrities and international business clients, which enabled Bluworld to become an internationally recognized art and design studio.
In 1977 he successfully pioneered running the course, summiting Whitney eighty hours after his start at Badwater.
In the 1960s Levitz successfully pioneered selling moderately-priced brand name furniture from a warehouse-style store.
Drexel successfully pioneered a mezzanine layer of financing between equity and bank debt for medium-sized American companies.