Since July, 2007, 1.13 has been successfully ported to Linux and is available via GPL license.
And in March 2012, an unofficial version of CyanogenMod 7 was successfully ported to South Korean version Dell Venue by South Korean user hPa.
It was also among the first beat 'em ups to be successfully ported to home systems.
Also in 1984, Karateka successfully experimented with adding plot to its fighting action and was among the first beat 'em ups to be successfully ported to home systems.
The GNU toolchain (including GCC) has also been successfully ported to the architecture, although it is not bug-free[3].
Android versions through 2.3 (Gingerbread) have been successfully ported to the CDMA (Vogue) version of the Touch.
It has also been successfully ported to other operating systems.
Not long after this, the engine was successfully ported from QuickBasic to FreeBasic.
Many core packages have yet to be successfully ported to Lion.
However, developers have successfully ported Windows Phone to the HD2.