Among the Indian leaders, Gandhi emphatically insisted on maintaining a united India and for a while successfully rallied people to this goal.
Residents of southwest Yonkers rallied successfully to block the sale of a vacant public school to renovate for the inn.
Several times Vincent successfully rallied the 16th Michigan to repel the Texas charge.
Dimitrov rallied successfully the party around himself and the new "Blue Coalition" and had the sabotage causing people eliminated from the party.
Postumius successfully rallied the Roman forces to carry the day.
Students and resident rallied to defend the high school and successfully kept it opened several years past the time the city planned to close it down.
He appeared to rally from the operation successfully.
It is an arresting fact that an impeached, disgraced, disbarred Democratic president successfully rallied liberals to his cause merely by calling his opponents "right-wing Republicans."
The Deputy Carneiro Leão managed to successfully rally the other deputies against the Nativists' proposal and the coup attempt was crushed.
He is successfully rallying both Evangelicals and conservatives and may finally by the anti-Romney so many in the GOP are waiting for.