For the moment, Powell and Marsh were able to successfully refute Cope's charges, and his allegations did not reach the mainstream press.
Hermann's newphew Louis William successfully refuted this accusation.
Zadeh made headlines in 1996 when he offered $400,000 for anyone successfully refuting Zadeh's claim that balancing the United States federal budget would be an "economic disaster".
Some positive reviews claimed that the film was able to successfully refute not only the factual claims of Gasland, but also some of the emotional testimonies.
In 1996 our reviewer, Sean Wilentz, said that Wilson "successfully refutes conservative cliches about the poor as lazy parasites."
Some of the evidence against Mr. Ahmed was released and successfully refuted by his lawyers.
He used science to successfully refute Doug Savage's ludicrous and ill-informed claims.
"Someone could come and say that this sheds a different light on the subject, and we'll have to explain again what we successfully refuted during the trial," he said.
Only when a person could do that, could he successfully refute it.