On 5 September 1974 the former Conservative member Billie Morgan successfully regained the seat she had narrowly lost.
When a Union brigade was pushed back by intense Confederate fire, Pearson rallied his regiment and led an attack which successfully regained the lost ground.
Ultimately, however, the Turkish commanders successfully regained their power, and Ahmad's vizierate was brought down as a result.
After successfully regained her youth, Kiukiu is determined to help the Drakhaouls and send them from her world into their home in the Ways Beyond.
Despite this disappointment, the team continued to perform strongly in the Southern League and successfully regained the league title in 1948-49.
Papua New Guinea's kick-off was short and they successfully regained the ball.
Although his machine was badly damaged, Lieutenant Lawson successfully regained our lines.
Muhammad Ali successfully regained the city in the Battle of Jeddah in 1813.
In 1995 he successfully regained his refereeing place.
Swan contested Lilley again in the 1998 federal election, successfully regaining his seat.