Some of the descendants of those animals have been successfully reintroduced into China.
It has, however, been successfully reintroduced in other parts of its historical range.
It became nearly extinct in the 1930s as a result of predator control programs, but was successfully reintroduced later.
Although the bill was defeated, it was successfully reintroduced in 1896.
Bison, elk, and bighorn sheep have been successfully reintroduced to the park.
It also provides a home for mouflons, successfully reintroduced from Corsica.
No captive-born large predators have ever been successfully reintroduced into the wild before.
The black rhino has been successfully reintroduced to Malawi since 1993, where it went extinct in 1990.
Various native mammals that would have occurred there in the past have been successfully reintroduced.
Walkers may also see red kites which have been successfully reintroduced in this area.