But Hudson, a diverse, working-class city, is perhaps the only affected river community that managed to successfully reinvent itself in the 1980's as a tourist attraction.
It has managed to successfully reinvent itself as a Family Entertainment Center, catering more now to family groups.
Perhaps, though, David Bowie, now 64, is simply ageing gracefully, having successfully reinvented himself, after his marriage to erstwhile supermodel Iman, as a family man.
And the companies that are going to succeed are the companies that can successfully reinvent themselves.
No-one could have anticipated how Bermudians would repeatedly and successfully reinvent themselves over the following 400 years.
"Nigel Slater shot to fame by successfully reinventing sausage and chips for the bourgeoisie."
Gunn is an original and idiosyncratic writer, and her odd style successfully reinvents the familiar.
One of my research projects is the question: "How does a restaurant successfully reinvent itself?"
In 1963 the Liverpool Cotton Association successfully reinvented itself and re-energised its membership, concentrating on the provision of specialist services such as arbitration.
In the process, he successfully reinvents himself as comic philosopher, finding wicked humor in questions of artistic life or death.