The plants were relocated successfully to unimpacted wetlands immediately adjacent to the remediation site in 2004.
In 1909, the partners successfully relocated and expanded the operation in what was then Hollidays Cove, West Virginia.
The inn was successfully relocated in 2000 and opened to the public in October 2002.
These villages have been successfully relocated to areas outside the park.
In addition to the rehabilitation program, CapeNature initiated a large-scale capture program on nearby islands and successfully relocated more than 19,500 non-oiled penguins.
They are headed mainly to Australia, where thousands of them have successfully relocated after obtaining refugee status.
For the first time in Soviet history a 4000-ton, 128-meter structure was relocated successfully.
Even jobs which have been successfully relocated in areas such as East Kilbride, increasing employment opportunities, could end up being moved away again should they be privatised.
On December 18, 2012 the company announced that it has successfully relocated the company headquarters to Berlin, Germany.
Officials recently reported that more than 160,000 people have been successfully relocated and another half million will be moved by 2003, when flooding starts.